Memorial Day Speech 2024

Several community members have contacted the library, eager to read the remarks our Executive Director, MacKenzie Ledley, made at the Memorial Day services earlier this week. Her interest in the stories of local Vietnam War veterans has been ongoing over the past year. It has led to the creation of a local Vietnam War Memorial self-guided cemetery tour and display at the library. Here is a link to her speech and photos of the display at the Library:

While we are thrilled that so many enjoyed Mrs. Ledley’s comments, finding them engaging and thoughtful, knowing her as we do, we would have expected nothing less.

Did you know one of the men mentioned in the speech? We are collecting local memories to give breadth to their memory. These recollections will be included in a permanent resource in the Library’s local history room.  

Share your memory on the form here: Paper forms are available at the Library.

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