The Pulaski County Public Library’s collection of over 76,000 items is here to be used by you! Read on to learn about loan periods, fees, notifications, and more borrowing guidelines.
To check out books and other materials at the library, bring your items and your library card to the front of the library. You can use our self-checkout station or check out materials with the staff member at the circulation desk.
You must present your library card to check out materials; you cannot use a spouse’s, parent’s, or friend’s card. If you’ve forgotten to bring your card, you can still check out items if you present a photo ID and a courtesy fee of $1.
Most library materials, such as books, magazines, and audiobooks, can be checked out for a period of 2 weeks. Entertainment DVDs & Blu-rays are due back on the next weekday the library is open.
You can have 4 regular entertainment DVDs/Blu-rays checked out at one time. You may also check out an additional 4 educational movies (including documentary, fitness, and travel) and 2 series sets.
See our Circulating Materials and Equipment Loan Periods Policy for details about how long different types of items may be borrowed and whether they can be renewed, reserved, checked out by minors, etc.
To reserve books and most other materials, log into your account with your library card number, search for the item you want, and click the Reserve button. You will see a message telling you that the item has been reserved. You may reserve up to five items at a time.
We will give you a call once your item is ready. You may also sign-up for email or text notifications (see below). You have five days from when we call to pick up your item. After five days, we will return the item to general circulation.
DVDs and Blu-rays cannot be reserved online. Instead, call the library at 574-946-3432 to place your reservation. You may reserve one movie at a time. If the movie becomes available before 3:00 pm that day, you must check it out on the same day; if it does not become available until after 3:00, you may check it out on the same day or the following day. Movies not checked out within that timeframe will be returned to general circulation.
You can sign-up to receive notifications for things like when your reserved items are ready, when items are coming due soon, and when items are overdue. We can send notifications by email or by text. To sign-up, give us a call or send us a message.
You can extend your loan period for items that can be renewed. Eligible items will be renewed automatically, but you can manually renew your items as well. Learn more on our Renew Items page.
Items may be returned using the outdoor book drops and inside at the main desk. The front book drop is for books and other print materials only. There are two book drops near the library's back parking lot: "Books" for print materials and "Audio/Visual" for things like DVDs, video games, and audiobooks.
Items must be returned before the library's closing time on the due date to be counted as on time.
The overdue fee for most items, including books, magazines, and CDs, is 25¢ daily. Movies, video games, and e-readers are fined $2.00 per item daily. See our Circulating Materials and Equipment Loan Periods Policy for details about overdue fees.
If your fine is $3.50 or higher, you cannot check out items or use online services until your fee is paid. In addition, if you have had a fee on your account for longer than 30 days, you must pay it in full to resume using library services.
The Library only accepts cash or check for payment of fines.
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