The Pulaski County Public Library strives to provide a healthy and safe environment for all library visitors and staff.
The library upgraded its HVAC units in 2022. The new units enable greater air changes per hour, improving ventilation. They are also equipped with high-quality MERV 13 filters, which remove more than 90% of particles greater than 1 micron in size and improve air quality. This project was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services, administered by the Indiana State Library.
The library also has several air purifiers stationed throughout the building, thanks partly to a donation from Blueair, a producer of air purification solutions for home and professional use.
Face masks currently are not required for library visitors. Visitors who wish to wear one are welcome to do so. Free masks are available at the circulation desk. The library works closely with the local Health Department and may update its masking policy as conditions warrant.

Hand sanitizer is available near both library entrances and at various locations around the library.
Curbside pickup is available for library cardholders who want to avoid exposure in public places and for any others who wish to use it for any reason.
If you’ve borrowed items from the library and you or a member of your household is ill, please don't return your items. Contact the library, and we will make arrangements as appropriate.
We offer test kits for Covid-19 at no charge – just ask at the main desk. We also have free HIV tests, provided by AIDS Ministries-AIDS Assist of Northern Indiana.