Blackstone Unlimited

Never wait to check out an audiobook again with Blackstone Unlimited. Choose from over 6,000 audiobook titles in every genre imaginable. Titles are always available, so you never have to place a hold or worry about due dates.
Never wait to check out an audiobook again with Blackstone Unlimited. Choose from over 6,000 audiobook titles in every genre imaginable. Titles are always available, so you never have to place a hold or worry about due dates.
Book Connections includes thousands of resources about fiction and nonfiction children's books. Find book trailers, movies with authors, audio performances, discussion questions, and more — all great ways to engage with books together!
BookChat is a live chat service offering personalized reading suggestions. It's a great way to get book recommendations even when the library is closed. BookChat is provided through Novelist Plus. Access BookChat by clicking the icon in the lower right of the NoveList Plus homepage.
NoveList K-8 Plus helps you find books specifically for younger readers. You can browse theme-oriented book lists at every reading level and look for outstanding titles in Award Winners. Parents and teachers can find tools to teach with books and engage young readers. NoveList K-8 covers picture books, children's chapter books, and younger teen titles in both fiction and non-fiction.
NoveList Plus provides expert-crafted book recommendations for all readers. Its unique story elements like appeal, genre, and theme make it easy for you to find the kinds of books you’re interested in. It offers recommendations for titles, authors, and series.
Teaching Books is developed and maintained to include thousands of resources about fiction and nonfiction books used in the K–12 environment, with every resource selected to encourage the integration of multimedia author and book materials into reading and library activities.