Launchpad: Yum. Yum. Eat Words Up!

Case for Launchpad: Yum. Yum. Eat Words Up!

Kids will develop fundamental language skills with these interactive activities, games, and puzzles that make it fun to develop everything from letter recognition and pronunciation to spelling. Practice letter recognition and phonics; Expand vocabulary; Master new spelling words; Learn to read and write.

Contents: ABC preschool sight word jigsaw puzzle shapes.--BIG WORD CLUB Spider monkey.--Fun English - Food.--Fun Spanish - Colors.--Kids spelling fun.--Kindergarten learning boost workbook.--Monkey word school adventure.--Montessori words.--Mystery word town.--The very hungry caterpillar - first words.

Recommended for Ages 3+.

Playaway Launchpad is a pre-loaded learning tablet. Device does not have Internet connectivity. Earphones not required for audio playback.